Monthly Archives: August 2013

[Ian] Street Art


little rock lobster
stencilled on cement sidewalk
food for stone giants?

[Amy] Fuzzy


In mind of cleaning
This bottle brush is really
A fuzzy flower

[Ian] Petals


a miniature rose
opens its lovely petals
just for me and you

[Ian] Old Door


many have passed through
seeking help, heat, shelter, friends
all were welcome once

[Ian] Panda


a recycled toy
peeking out from his new world
abandoned panda

[Amy] Peas


Metal molded shapes
Reminds of summer sweetness
Snap peas in a pod

[Ian] Spine


art is everywhere
we find it within ourselves
always a bonus

[Amy] Stone Pinecone


Petals reach skyward
Hoping the rain will give roots
A future stone tree

[Ian] ShadowMan


worst genie ever.
he appears when you name him
and asks for a wish

[Ian] Flamingo Line


flamingos statues
just like a receiving line
or guarding the path